Digital Footprint

Securing Your Enterprise's Digital Footprint

An organization’s cybersecurity posture impacts its bottom line for the foreseeable future. It’s not just about the costs arising from the breach itself — to remain financially viable, organizations need to ensure that they adopt a security-first approach to cybersecurity by continuously monitoring their unique digital footprint across all business lines.

With secure digital footprint, organizations can get a competitive advantage of their security level validation process from cyber insurers.

What is your digital footprint?

An organization’s digital footprint encompasses all its traceable digital activities, actions, contributions, or communications across the internet or on devices.

Today, however, as organizations migrate their business-critical operations to the cloud, their digital footprint has exploded exponentially. A company’s Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) or Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) IT infrastructure incorporates multiple Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. Each of those enablements increases an organization’s digital footprint by increasing the number of devices connected to the internet.

How can you manage your digital footprint?

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. In order to understand the scope of your digital footprint, you may need to bring in a partner organization that will help you analyze, segment, and make sense of your footprint, including the smaller footprints of vendors, departments, and subsidiaries.

BMB consultX allows you to easily monitor security risk posture across the web. Our Threat Intelligence Tool DARKIVORE enable cybersecurity risk monitoring and documentation so that the enterprise can identify leaked data and potential breach.